Prompt Stomp Week 2 – Door

Welcome back everyone for the second week of Prompt Stomp! The first week was a success with some very wonderful entries, and I can’t wait to see what unfolds this week! So lets get underway!!!!

When it comes to things opening and closing what do you think of first?

This week we are going to cover, probably the most obvious and one of the most used objects in our homes, THE DOOR.  We open doors to let people into our homes. We open doors to a workplace and metaphorically we open doors of opportunity, or sometimes they close on us.

However you perceive the word “DOOR” , tell us about it.

Quick Ideas: Share a gallery of Photos depicting your view of doors. Share a story of how a door opened for you and changed your life. Or you can share a story about how a door was closed on you. If you are feeling really creative and artsy, draw or paint a picture or if you want to indulge us in juicy details, tell us about your wicked time at a Doors concert!

Again, your possibilities are endless!


Here are the rules to the event:

  1. Start a new post containing the content you wish to share!
  2. Link back to the post through comments or link on your page!
  3. To make it easier for others to see your post, tag it with “Prompt Stomp”
  4. Remember to follow The MomHood to get the new prompt every Saturday!
  5. Have fun and be creative!

Here is my entry for this week: “Door

Here are your featured Bloggers for last weeks Prompt! They definitely deserve a second peek or two!

Thank You so much for your wonderful entries everyone and I hope to see you for round two as well as many newcomers!



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