Prompt Stomp- Week 10

Hello and Greetings Stompers!! It is now week 10 of Prompt Stomp. 10 glorious, creative weeks.

This past week for the Stomp was a first time, designated prompt for Photography. And what a turn out. So many wonderful, creative and eye catching photos. Our theme for the prompt was lights, and all of you sure did brighten up my week!

WHICH brings me to a new feature for The Stomp and bear with me, this is a long one!

Since we are now in week 10, an even number, I’ve decided to start making all of the prompts a DOUBLE PROMPT. Let me explain.

Starting this week, I will give out a prompt, just like I have been. Here is the kicker, it will be for both writing AND photography. I will continue to give out the prompt in the same manner I have been, with giving the theme and the quick ideas. I will however give out ideas for both the writing and the photos instead of combining the ideas together.

The best way to show you how this works, is to give out this weeks theme/prompt which is:



1. Of or relating to a vintage. (wine)
2. Characterized by excellence, maturity, and enduring appeal; classic.

3. Old or outmoded.


As a photographer, I love looking at vintage photos. Sometimes the best place to view old, vintage photos is at a flea market. They have stacks of old photos. Black and whites, Sepia tones and those ones that look like they’ll fall apart from how old they are. Nowadays, unless you have a vintage camera, you have to use editing tools to get the effect like you see here. (These images are from Google)

Notice in these 3 photos above. The graininess in the first photo, the black and white and the sepia tones in the third. Not to mention the clothing, bicycles and hairstyles. Some of the best photos I have seen are of vintage objects. Collectible cars, old buildings, Campbell’s soup cans or Coke Bottles, an old rocking chair or book.

For this challenge, lets experiment with making our photos look old. Like the ones above OR take some photos of vintage items. Share 1 photo, 3 photos or a whole gallery. Your choice!

Cee, over at Cee’s Photography has a a few “tricks and tips” posts that are definitely worth looking at, especially if you get stuck. She hosts a wonderful Black and White photo Challenge, and just recently started a new challenge named Compose Yourself, allowing the photographer to hone in on their skills through challenges. These two challenges are great for newer photographers as they help the composition of photography as well as the art of it.


Writing. The first form of communication besides grunting and swinging a club. Evolving throughout the ages, but still the most powerful. As the world has turned and changed, so has writing styles, spelling and grammar. From Latin to Renaissance, 18th century English to now. Writing has changed a lot.

Want some ideas for VINTAGE? For all of you writers, I’ll give you the exception of writing for the word CLASSIC as well, since it fits with this category.


  • Write a poem. The dominant forms of English literature during the Renaissance were the poem and the drama. Among the many varieties of poetry one might have found in sixteenth century England were lyric, the elegy, the tragedy, and the pastoral.
Act III, Scene ii- Romeo and Juliet- William Shakespeare
…Come, night, come, Romeo, come, thou day in night,
For thou wilt lie upon the wings of night
Whiter than new snow on a raven’s back.
Come, gentle night, come, loving, black-browed night,
Give me my Romeo, and, when he shall die,
Take him and cut him out in little stars,
And he will make the face of heaven so fine
That all the world will be in love with night,
And pay no worship to the garish sun.
Oh, I have bought the mansion of love,
But not possessed it, and though I am sold,
Not yet enjoyed….
  • Feeling a bit philosophical or romantic? French writer, Voltaire (1694-1778) wrote poetry, drama, romance, history, philosophy, and science.

…”This little globe, which is but a point, rolls through space, as do many other globes; we are lost in the immensity of the universe. Man, only five feet high, is assuredly only a small thing in creation. One of these imperceptible beings says to another one of his neighbors, in Arabia or South Africa: ‘Listen to me, because God of all these worlds has enlightened me: there are nine hundred million little ants like us on the earth, but my ant-hole is the only one dear to God; all the other are cast off by Him for eternity; mine alone will be happy, and all the others will be eternally damned.” — Voltaire


  • Write a story or piece on vintage items like clothing, cars, buildings or art. (Like a 1955 Chevy Nomad or the peach colored oven your Grandmother used)
  •  Write about a group or collection of people or things sharing certain characteristics from 25 or more years ago.
  • Write about a year or period of origin that has now become history


IF you’re feeling courageous, do a piece with both photos and writing.


The rules are very simple:

  1. Start a new post containing the content you wish to share!
  2. Link back to the post through comments or link on your page!
  3. To make it easier for others to see your post, tag it with “Prompt Stomp”
  4. Remember to follow The MomHood to get the new prompt every Saturday!
  5. Be sure to link to the correct week so none of us lose your entry!
  6. Have fun and be creative!!!!!!!

Here are the featured bloggers from week 9 who deserve a second look at their wonderful photos

  1. Cee’s Photography Blog
  2. Everchanging
  3. Life Lessons – A Blog by Judy Dykstra-Brown
  4. Aloada Bobbins
  5. Lunanista
  6. A Backpackers Diary
  7. Julies Photo Blog

Here is my entry to the Prompt. I decided to take some photos over the week of structures in my area. I live in an area where most houses and structures were built before 1960 and in a farming community, a lot of these houses have barns, outbuildings and silos. I wanted my photos to depict the age of the structure, so I got out my editing hat and made my photos look, Vintage. (Below the edited versions are the original shots.)

Run Down Mill originally built in 1950’s
Eaton High School built 1909
Barn built in 1940’s


Since this is a new week and things have changed a little bit, please contact me if you have any sort of questions, bewilderment’s or just want to tell me I’m out of my mind, I’m all ears! 🙂

I had a lot of fun drafting up this post but I promise, from here on out, they won’t be so long winded!

I hope we can all find some inspiration with this and come out with some great entries! I look forward to seeing all of you throughout the week and I’m excited to get vintage!

Cheers everyone!





39 Replies to “Prompt Stomp- Week 10”

      1. Don’t let all those menus trip you up. all you need are a couple adjustment layers (vibrance, black and white, curves), one filer (unsharp mask), vector masks (if you need to work on a small area of the photo without disturbing the rest), a couple tools (paintbrush, text tool, selection tools) and the save as box. You can ignore the rest of the app. With the stuff I mentioned, you can do anything.

        Liked by 1 person

    1. Tis correct Madaam. I bet anything you come up with will be fantastic! I hope this Prompt isn’t too detailed or difficult, for any body!? I do however, think it will get some creative juices flowing!


  1. WOW Megan, thanks so much for all your kind words. I’m simply blown away. And to be featured too. I’m thrilled you get so much out of my blog. I will most definitely take part this week. Tomorrow or Monday. I try to stay off my blog on weekends. Catch up with people and emails but that is about it. Thanks again….and great topic.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You’re so very welcome. I know I’ve said it before, but you have inspired me a lot, and I think what you do can help many others with their photography dreams! I try to take the weekend off too, sometime I get sucked into great posts. It’s hard not to look. I look forward to your entry! 🙂


    1. I love the photo. I am astonished you were able to drive the car after 500,000 miles. That is when they really “made” cars though! And what a beautiful car and driver! 🙂


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