Velvet Queen Sunflower

This week in Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge, we are focusing on a series of colors. Specifically the colors of flowers. One of my favorite things to photograph. I’ve said it a hundred times, but there is no such prettier thing than the color of a flower.

It’s now January, and we are hitting our coldest month of the year. Meaning no precious flowers to take pictures of. Unless I hop on over to the nearest flower shop, but its just not the same. So instead of new photos, I’ll share some of my favorites from this past summer, when the flowers were plentiful.

My garden this past summer was graced with the beauty of the Velvet Queen Sunflower. It’s sultry oranges and yellows magnify the magenta and red giving this flower a spot in my top 10! You can view other Orange and Yellow flowers here, on my Vibrant Colors post.

Have a looksy!

“…The sunflower is mine, in a way…”
― Vincent van Gogh




In response to Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge-Colors of Flowers: Orange and Yellow

9 Replies to “Velvet Queen Sunflower”

    1. I want summer to come so bad. I keep looking back on all of my images from last summer and I get melancholy. We just need to survive a couple more months of these cold temps and we’ll be on our way to better weather! 🙂

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